
Dislike and Hatred are Two Different Things

I don't listen to Justin Bieber. My familiarity with his music is limited to hearing "Baby" played a few times at school dances. I don't particularly like the song, but it has an unfortunate tendency to get stuck in my head.

Anyhow, I'm not the only one. Out of my friends and relations, I can think of only a few who actually listen to and enjoy Bieber's music.

I can't imagine it's much of a loss to him, given the widespread "Bieber Fever" that has quite enough pre-teen girls fawning over him.

I can't really keep a note of disdain out of my voice--I've never been one for pop music fandoms. But still, I don't actively hate or even dislike Justin Bieber; I just don't think about him unless he comes up in conversation.

The trouble is, he comes up a lot. Whenever his name is mentioned by anyone I know, it's usually with some derisive comment. Which is fine. Whatever. But I have also noticed a growing tendency towards Bieber-hating, especially among my younger brothers and their group of friends.

'Justin Beaver' is the most common insult, often accompanied by "He sounds like a girl!" and even occasional jabs questioning his sexual orientation. Bieber-hating is as viral as Bieber-fever

Middle-school humor. I get it. I know it extends far beyond this, and probably gets much worse. My brothers, who are generally very polite, sincere, and articulate, can't escape getting caught up in some pop culture habits--I know that I certainly didn't. But it still bothers me.

It's been said before, but hate really is a strong word, and I don't like hearing it, especially coming out of the mouths of children. My brothers are being taught by their peers to hate what they don't really know; and uninformed negativity becomes a substitute for rational criticism at a very young age.

One of the most disturbing things that I've heard, secondhand, is a remark something along the lines of "Justin Bieber's gay. I don't get why girls still like him." I don't know whether he's gay or straight, and anyhow, that wouldn't be any sort of determining factor in how I feel about him. Homophobia is nothing new, but that doesn't make it any more acceptable. Likewise, mockingly comparing Bieber's voice to a female's is not only an uncreative insult, but it ranks of prejudice and sexism.

I know it may seem inconsequential, but this is a symptom of something larger. Hatred, especially unfounded, is a very serious emotion to have, especially when it's directed towards another person. So, when my brothers tell me that they "hate" Justin Bieber, I ask them to slow down for a moment and think about what they mean. They don't listen to his music, so it's hardly a judgement of quality. Rather, it arises from a "go with the crowds" mentality.  I know they're better than that.


  1. Jude Paxmrosy5/13/2011 6:05 PM

    This goes with my general rule of trying to avoid forming an opinion on a subject about which I am ignorant.

  2. Very well written as usual. I'm sure that it comes as no surprise that I
    could do without Bieber's music, but I can't disagree with anything you've
    said here. I have definitely heard the whole hate vs. dislike thing
    before...my aunt is big about that. Nice job!

  3. Heather, I looooovveeee you.
    You have this uncanny knack to always say exactly what I think, except, you know, infinitely better than I could. :D
    Timmy is, unfortunately, the same way, and I feel like I am partially to blame for that since I often compare his appearance to that of JBiebs.
    -.- I'm sure that only fuels his DISLIKE of the poor kid.
    Oh, celebrities and those of us who are far less significant than them; our relationships are so twisted and disturbing.
    Anyway, you're fantastic (as usual) and I HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON!!!!!! <3

  4. Heather, this is brilliantly written, I am amazed of what a great writer you are! Very kindly and maturely written. I never hated Justin Bieber either, or ever thought about him that much so I can agree to what you have said- and you opened my eyes up to a mature and productive way to look at the situation. Well done!
