
Why a blog?

Yes, I have a facebook. So does everyone. It’s no longer anything special, any mark of status (aside from the obvious); its simply a requirement for being a functional, sociable, and capable human being. So while I was occupied with updating my profile, adding flair, and informing everyone of exactly what I was doing every second of the day, the better parts of my brain were brainstorming other ways for me to make my necessary mark on the World Wide Web.

Yes, parts. Think of us like the multiple Jack Sparrows in At World's End. Because while all this was going on, one part of my brain was patting me on the back, and praising my conformity. (“The immortal Cap’n Jack Sparrow.” “Oh, I like that.”) She suggested I join Twitter. (“Come on now Jackie.”) while the other part of my brain had reservations (“Don’t stab the heart.” “Come again?”). She hadn’t been so crazy about this in the first place. Peer pressure, that’s all it was. She suggested I start delivering newspapers. I told her she should try it. Meanwhile, the creative (and full-size) part of me was wondering how I could become an internet presence in over 140 characters. The answer was obvious: blogging.

So here I am, and I won’t pretend it was an easy decision. I like the thought of individual issues, with a coherent theme and fun graphics. I am loyal to the Microsoft Word format. But it’s gotten to be too much. I simply don’t have the time to piece together any number of articles (not to mention submissions) on the same topic, much less combine them into an edition. I either needed to find another person to be the publisher and do all that for me (not likely, since all of my friends are about as busy as I am), or else I needed to drop the whole issue idea altogether.

What do you think? I took the easy road out. Thus, no one has received or heard anything of the Daisy Edition since some time last year. I kept writing, and I stored up a considerable inventory of articles, all of them brilliant and completely different. These articles deserved to get out of my backup files and breathe, stretch their legs, maybe even do a few laps. I feel terrible letting them rot down there in My Documents. But there’s always something else to be done, and I felt silly and self-promoting just emailing them out to my contacts, or even posting them on facebook, uncalled for and out of context.

So now I’ve taken care of that and established myself in a legitimate format. Those articles will be stretching their necks out very soon…


  1. Haha, I'm looking forward to reading your amazing-sounding blog posts :)

    -Charis T.

    (By the way, check out my blog...decembersgrace.blogspot.com :)

  2. Yaaaayyy!!!! I'm so happy that you started this? Will you be publishing stories...sorry, I can't help but look for my future in this, too, lol. Can't wait to read all of your 'brilliant and completely different' articles!
    love, laura

  3. and i meant to write "this!" not "this?" lol

  4. Queen Ketchupp7/08/2009 4:50 PM

    You write so much it's hard to track in a good way! I hope my mom'll let me get one if I ask her. . . I have to try! Yeah, I'd probably do stories and post things I think rock too!And the Beatles album you said we sould listen to is really good. BUT I STILL THINK KELLY CLARKSON WILL AND ALAYS WILL BE BETTER! (no offence)
    L♥VE- Queen Ketchupp
