
A Confession


I’m going to come out as a supporter of the environment. I know that this position isn’t obvious or anything, especially given the background layout on this website. I’m a little embarrassed by this concession, but I just have to admit that I think the earth is pretty important. You don’t have to agree with me or anything, but that’s my opinion, so it would be cool if you could just respect it.

Since I’m going out on a limb here, let me just say that I also think anything that helps the earth is much better than stuff that harms it. So, yeah, I’ll admit it, I think composting and recycling and renewable energy and all those things are pretty cool. I mean, I get it, it’s a personal choice, but, you know, I think it would be great if companies offered environmentally friendly options for those of us who like that kind of stuff. I know that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but you know, why not?

So I was pretty happy when Frito-Lay decided to package their Sun Chips in compostable bags. I never liked the old bags, because they were just too, I don’t know, wasteful. If you’re into that sort of thing, be my guest. I just like to know where my stuff comes from, and where it goes after I use it. It was a huge relief to me to think that my bag would be going back into the earth, instead of hanging around for a century or so.

The thing is, I’m just not a big fan of unsustainable packaging. It gives me nightmares. I understand that some people felt that way about the new Sun Chips bags, though, and that’s cool. They couldn’t deal with the noise that the compostable bags made. Some people are just more sensitive than others. I’m not one to judge. However, it’s still a bummer that they decided to only offer the compostable bags for the Original Flavor, and discontinue it for the rest. I mean, I like Original and all, but I won’t say no to Harvest Cheddar if it’s offered to me. I won’t be able to eat any of the other flavors now, though, thanks to my phobia of wasteful packaging. Sorry, guys.

So, just to be clear, I totally respect the fact that Frito-Lay decided to bring back their non-compostable bags and everyone else can go back to being happy again. But I still feel like they should offer another option, just for those of us that have come out in favor of the environment. I mean, I’m not expecting them to cater to my demands or anything, and I’m not saying they should do it because it would be good for the earth. That’s a bit far-fetched. But it would be nice.


  1. I love you, Heather. <3

  2. I agree. I also wish that they would use the biodegradable bags on the smaller-sized portions, not just the big bags. Le sigh. Sometimes a company or group that is trying to do something good for the environment, and the world at large, should disregard the general public. I know it sounds crazy but the general public is a bunch of morons, and don't always know what's best for the earth. Just sayin'.

  3. I was very surprised to hear that they are getting rid of the bags just because they are noisy!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. INRGAF, the bags are bags who cares if they are noisy, it really doesn't matter, and just the fact that they are compostable is sick!!! and the only annoying part about the noise that i can see is when you open it, because once its open unless your hand and arm are as big as the hulk's (or its a small bag) then you wont make a noise. is a little noise for a snack that you really don't need and shouldn't be eating in the first place really a reason to get rid of a pretty awesome COMPOSTABLE bag that will reduce some garbage and landfills? i say no, and agree with you. and i bet a lot of people agree with you but didn't wanna comment because they were a little tired or something, like me... but i decided to just because i don't have anything better to do. good read though.

  6. what I don't understand, is why big corporations like friendly's, burger king, McDonalds, subway, and many other fast food joints don't offer reclining bins. I love dunkin donuts coffee, but they still use Styrofoam coffee cups, and many restaurants still use Styrofoam take out containers. It may be little things but you have to start little to be big don't you? I think if enough people question these companies or petition them for recycling the might do it.

  7. Heather I luv reading your posts, you don't have to apologize for your views. I think the "bottom line" is always the issue and until companies can see past that, pollution will always be an issue. Keep these posts comin
    Be well Uncle Jim

  8. Woah, hold on a second, you're...you're a supporter of the environment??? I would never have guessed!!!!! ;)

    Excellent, witty, and fantastic as usual, my dear.

  9. Meh, too liberal for me.

    Just kidding…I enjoyed the humorous writing style and the subject is interesting. I'm pretty big on recycling too, so this is neat. (I never really liked Sun Chips though…)
