

I have to admit that I've been a closet Twilighter for about a year now. Of course, my obsession with those books reaches nothing near to my astronomical, unhealthy, and abnormal preoccupation with the escapades of a certain boy wizard. Still, I was able to fully immerse myself in each of the Twilight books for the space of, at most, a week, which was how long it took me to finish them. I thought that I had kind of gotten over any transient twilight fixation, particularly since I was never really interested in exploring them beyond the initial reading. I found myself considering the upcoming release of New Moon with a cerebral expectancy, and thinking casually to myself that perhaps, just maybe, I would go see it for old times sake. I wasn't very impressed by the first trailer released, which managed to not only clumsily reveal the entire plot premise in one fell swoop but also destroy any lingering hope I had of Taylor Lautner turning out to be anything other than a likable hunk.

You see, I have a certain *cough* affection for a certain character *cough* Jacob *cough* who plays a very prominent role in this particular segment of the series. And for that reason, I was loath to see his character streamrollered and held up in some paper doll semblance of himself, as was bound to happen in any movie adaptation.

However, I had similar expectations about the fate of a certain Edward Cullen, particularly when laid in the hands of an actor whose main experience comes from portraying *cough* *snigger* Cedric Diggory ?!?!?! And Robert Pattinson, Robert Pattinson, defied and rose above, nay shattered and incincerated, my meager expectations. In short, he was amazing. So, when I see screenshots like the one above, and hear Jacob imploring Bella to "stay, for me" in the new trailer, I can't help but feel a flicker of hope that maybe Taylor will come through after all.



Plus, the Volturi look awesome.

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