
The Woodpecker's Bell

I was always the main contributor of stories to this magazine, and now that it's a blog, the editor has invited me to post my stories on it. So, here is the first of many to come, and I appreciate any comments, criticism, and advice.

The Woodpecker’s Bell

By the Authoress


It was a cold, dark night in the Castle of the Gorodian Forest, home of King Morlan and Queen Sienna. They were the kind and wise rulers of the Gorodians, and they were worried. There had been news that the evil, cruel witch Norine was on the move, and she was headed for their castle. No doubt she was leading the goblin armies. The King and Queen were sitting in the council chamber, discussing every possible plan of defense with their young head captain, Sinus and their close friend, King Borak of the bunnies. Their whispers echoed eerily around the chamber. The King and Queen eventually sent Sinus out of the chamber to fetch Kolku, the Wise One, and Queen Selene of the fairies to aid them. Suddenly, a cold wind swept through the room extinguishing the candles. A maniac laugh chilled the very bones of the monarchs, and hollow footsteps sounded in the chamber. King Morlan and King Borak drew their swords and stood in front of the Queen, ready to defend her at all costs. As they stared into the hard darkness, a blue, haunting light appeared in midair, illuminating the beautiful, but evil and crazed face of Norine.

She laughed again and taunted, “Do you simple fools really think you can defeat me with swords? Hm?” Another empty laugh and the Kings’ swords were magically wrenched from their hands and clattered to the floor at Norine’s feet. Norine’s smile turned to a grimace of hate and her face became distorted with rage as she saw the Kings come rushing at her. She screamed and lifted her hands, blue light streaming out of them. The Kings yelled in agony, than fell to the floor, dead. The Queen stood in horror and shouted for help. Another lunatic yell from Norine, another flash of blue light, and the Queen tumbled to the ground. Norine laughed with glee and shouted; “Now I am Queen of all the Forest!” She twirled around as goblins infiltrated the terrible room. “Come! Let there be no being left alive here!” And they ran out of the room, everything turning black and evil as Norine went by, slaughtering those who attempted to stop them, and those who attempted to hide from them. By the time Kolku, Selene, and Sinus returned, it was too late. The Castle had been taken, and all those who had resided within were dead.

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